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The Final Chord: Creating A Persuasive Conclusion For A Research Paper

The Final Chord: Creating A Persuasive Conclusion For A Research Paper

A paper will not be considered complete without a conclusion, so like it or not, you have to write it. You may consider it redundant and repetitive, but such are academic demands and we all have to comply with them.

Actually, conclusion is not that useless. It reminds of the main idea of the paper and says that your reasoning was correct. So it may be taken as a one more argument that discreetly pushes forwards your agenda. In this light a conclusion looks more reasonable part of the paper. So let us see how you can make the best use of it.

Is a conclusion that necessary?

It depends on how it is written. If it is a chain of loosely related sentences that do not reflect the paper or its significance, then this conclusion is of no use. But if a conclusion is crafted carefully, then it is an important part of the paper that strengthens it and makes it more efficient in proving your point.

To please your professor you have to provide a conclusion, and a conclusion that is relevant to your paper. Then it will increase your chances to getting A or B grades and to being known as a smart student with good writing skills. Now let see how you can approach the task of writing a good conclusion.

Planning and compiling a conclusion

The basic advice about a conclusion is to remind readers about your thesis in it. You have been proving it all along the way in your paper, so mentioning it once against securely drives your ideas home. But a conclusion is not only about a thesis. It may contain a whole array of information (just remember that a conclusion cannot contain any new information not mentioned in the paper itself):

  • A thesis
  • Main arguments (very briefly)
  • Suggestions of further research
  • Gaps in research
  • Recommendations (reiterations of mentioned in the paper)

Useful tricks

  1. Begin with restating a thesis (in different words, of course).
  2. Think what findings and facts in the paper surprised or impressed you most. They are most likely to impact your readers as well. Include them into your conclusion.
  3. Mention solutions/recommendations proposed – or remind that the issue is not yet solved and awaits to be tackled.
  4. Bring in some interesting ending. It may be some philosophical thought, some nice saying, something that will catch a reader’s attention and linger in his or her mind. It will guarantee that the reader – most probably your professor – will remember your paper as a good one.
  5. Read it through. It should summarize the main idea of your paper (not the whole paper) and reinstate it in readers’ mind. That’s what its purpose, after all. Fix it and add what is missing.
  6. This is the outline of a typical research paper conclusion that is small in scope. Dissertations, bachelor’s theses and other kinds of large academic works will need a different kind of conclusions – longer, detailed, accounting for every section of the paper.

Such conclusion will look more like yet another part of the paper than a summarizing piece. But this is their nature – to present a paper in the gist if others cannot read the whole paper but need to learn about the research results. This is particularly true for scientific studies with plenty of materials and thorough discussions of findings.  Then the conclusion is like a summary of it all, with key facts and figures and hypotheses confirmed or overturned.

But as long as you write a research paper for the next day class – the mentioned brief but comprehensive conclusion will suffice.

A friendly piece of advice

If with all this counseling and tips you still feel powerless or helpless, or time runs out faster that you can gather your thoughts – let the professionals do it for you. We are here to help you with a conclusion as much as with a whole paper. So do not waste time and reach out to us. The faster you do so, the faster you get an A-grade paper for a very moderate price. With an impressive and appropriate conclusion.