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Narrative Essay Topics: 50+ Ideas for a Great Writing

Almost every student of any faculty can get an assignment to write and perform a narrative essay. They can get any specific topic or can be free to choose their own. This is one of the most popular tasks in any school college or university. The thing is that narrative essays usually are presented as stories. This format gives students an opportunity to share their experience or describe any event in an interesting and engaging way. But most of all you can train and master your storytelling skills.

One of the challenges for students is selecting the topic for their narrative essay. First of all, you should understand what this format means. Study the examples of other students to discover the typical structure and approach. Then you will see how you can disclose the particular topic using the stories from your life.

But you should realize that the stories you describe, the style and the type of narration will depend on the chosen topic and the task you follow.

Choosing a Topic: Recommendations

First of all, it is better to write about things you care about. This is the key to the creation of the engaging and interesting story that will be meaningful for you and your readers. And you will be fascinated with the writing process as well.

Also, it is not obligatory to use exclusively your experience and life stories. You can get inspired by any story that you know and it can become a basis for your narrative essay. Want to know more about sources of inspiration? Use any relevant episode from your childhood, last vacation, spring holidays and any other remarkable events. Think of the cases when you had to make a difficult choice or to face any other hard situation. Maybe your favorite activities also will help to recall relevant events to build a story upon.

It is better to use real stories. The truthful experience will make your story engaging and understandable to the readers. In narrative essays, it is usually very easy to spot things you have made up or altered in order to make it more “wow”.

If you will take a look at great examples of students’ narrative essays, you will feel how honest and touching they are. They show how personal experience can make a great story to disclose some topics. Examples can be your inspiration as you might recall the similar events that can also attract readers.

One more thing you should pay attention to is the creativity and originality of your topic. Usually, they are the ones who attract teachers and students the most. And when you present an intriguing topic in an understandable way, you will have high chances for success. It is important to persuade the reader that your essay worth attention by presenting it in a way they will be able to feel what you have felt during the described events. Start with the heading. Learn examples of the media headings and you will see which ones look more interesting and tempting to read.

But as we said above, the main factor is your personal interest in the topic. Choose the one you can be passionate about. This set of mind will help you to describe events and emotions in a way your reader will feel it to the fullest.

Narrative Essay Ideas for Telling Personal Stories

If you have difficulty with choosing a topic for your college or school narrative essay task, you can find some ideas below. They can stimulate your imagination and you can eventually develop your own original topic relevant to your life experience. All you need to make sure that the selected topic fits the requirements of your task. Here’s a list for your inspiration:

1.         The teacher that stays in my heart forever.

2.         How I tried a new job.

3.         The day that has influenced our community: natural disaster and human unity.

4.         My personal inventions.

5.         How I lost and regained faith in humanity.

6.         The most dangerous experience in my life.

7.         The biggest argument with my best friend.

8.         How I discovered the countryside for the first time.

9.         The situation that has changed my world view.

10.       How a little misunderstanding can lead to a great friendship?

11.       Helping others in a critical situation

12.       The moment you have changed the opinion about a certain person

13.       Remarkable summer episode from your childhood.

14.       Childhood secrets and hiding places.

15.       The moment you realized your mother was right.

16.       How I fought a fight of spiders (or any other phobia)

17.       The moment you have realized why your prejudices were mistaken.

18.       How did you choose your future profession?

19.       Hilarious moments of your life with a significant impact on you.

20.       Your first pet: feelings, emotions, fears.

21.       The most embarrassing moment in your life.

22.       The first time you have experienced a natural disaster.

23.       The situation when you have drastically changed your opinion about the person you did not like at first.

24.       The situation you got lost in an unknown city.

25.       Your team sport experience.

26.       The remarkable concerts in your life.

27.       The situation you were impressed with the kindness and wisdom of the person you did not expect much from.

28.       The case that has a big resonance in your country.

29.       The situation from your teenage years that shows your rebellion then.

30.       Your heroes that have changed your life.

31.       The moment you changed your attitude towards some people.

32.       The case when you were disappointed in the people surrounding you.

33.       The situation that shows you were an example for someone.

34.       Your teenage inspiration.

35.       The most significant sports event in your life.

36.       The worst birthday present you have ever received.

37.       The biggest lesson from your childhood.

38.       The situation that made you change your attitude towards adults.

39.       The moment you realized your parents wants the best for you.

40.       The situation you suffered from racial and national discrimination.

41.       Your first experience with the police call.

42.       How procrastination has saved your life.

43.       When was the first time you have shown your leadership?

44.       The moment you realized how big and diverse the world is.

45.       School activities that have influenced your future career choice.

46.       The biggest dilemma you have faced in your life.

47.       How your hobbies have changed with technological progress?

48.       The most interesting school of college assignments you have ever had.

49.       The most tragic moment in your family.

50.       You first writing experience and the results of that text.

Narrative Essay Ideas for College Students

College students can use the narrative essay task in order to introduce them to the new group mates and teachers. Selecting the right topic, you can share the demonstrative experience or simply describe your personal qualities.

1.         The most remarkable accomplishment from your life outside school or college.

2.         Describe your hypothetical conversation with your idol.

3.         Tell about your attitude and behavior on social media pages.

4.         What is your attitude towards team sports and other group activities?

5.         What was the most complicated task for you in college?

6.         Describe what role mobile devices play in your life.

7.         The most memorable family experience you have.

8.         What is your attitude towards traditional family values?

9.         Tell the story when you have underestimated a stranger.

10.       Describe your attitude towards TV-shows.

11.       Reasons why you decided (not) to keep a diary.

12.       How often you try something new in your life?

13.       The event that has taught you that experienced can be misleading.

14.       A book or movie that has a big impact on your personality.

15.       If you would be a superhero, what would be your superpower?

Narrative Essay Ideas about Traveling and Holidays

Most people enjoy traveling and holidays, especially students. Tourism is one of the most popular activities among young people. That is why you likely have a few stories to share. Experiencing new places should be interesting anyway. And if you had a few remarkable stories during the last trip, you can be sure it can be a basis for a great story to tell.

Below you will find some ideas that will help you to direct your thoughts and recall the suitable events:

1.         What would be your dream trip?

2.         What was your first traveling experience abroad?

3.         Describe your typical spring holidays.

4.         Do you have any holiday traditions in your family? Describe them.

5.         What is your dream country to visit?

6.         Describe your most exciting holiday activity.

7.         Would you like to travel in space? Why (not)?

8.         Do you have any plans to live abroad?

9.         What do you prefer: hiking or transport? Why?

10.       The trip that has the biggest impact on your life.

11.       What were the most famous places you visited?

12.       The best and the worst vacation experience.

We want to assure you that you can come up with plenty of other ideas for a narrative essay. Or we will later provide with one more set of popular topics for college students. The main thing in defining the most suitable theme is writing about situations, people or events that mean something for you. This is the key to the engaging and interesting essay. Also, you should keep in mind the requirements you might have in your assignments as well as basic rules for writing narrative essays. If you do not have time for completing your writing task, you can always ask experts to write your narrative essay.

However, it is significant to learn how to write a narrative essay and practice in this task. Writing skills you will master with these assignments will be useful in many other life situations. You will learn how to arrange your thoughts and be a great storyteller. Appealing to your creative side will also stimulate your imagination. Despite the fact you will describe real events, you can come up with creative but understandable metaphors and other means to make your essay more engaging and moving. You will learn how to use your own experience in order to prove a point and make conclusions.

Freedom Of Choice: Selecting A Great Topic For Research Paper

When you get assigned a topic for a research paper it may seem boring and unfair. If you are to write, then you would prefer to have a choice on what to write. But here you are, with a task to pick your topic and write about it. Excited? Nope. Confused and lost at best. So whether you are assigned a topic and left with freedom to choose it, each situation has its pros and cons.

In this piece we will help you to act in a situation when you are required to find your own topic and make it interesting and relevant. To begin with, it is much easier to write when you understand what you write about and are interested in this topic. It will keep you motivated and focused, and that’s a prerequisite for good writing.

But if you have little to no time at all, we can offer you one more solution. We can do the task of selecting a relevant topic and writing a good paper for you, in the shortest terms and in compliance with all requirements. We know well how picky professors of today are and will do our best to impress them with well-crafted and thoroughly researched work.

How to build an impressive college paper

A good research paper is usually not descriptive.  It argues, debates, proves, disproves and does a lot of other tricks to persuade readers in something. So while selecting a topic pay attention if it has this debatable aspect. It will add to the appeal and depth of your research paper and will leave your professor with feeling that you are a gifted student with capacity for research.

So while writing be careful not just to describe, but to analyze, put facts together and get a new picture, make assumptions and test them, use facts and evidence to show that your belief is right.

Your topic should be visible in all parts of the paper: in introduction, more so in the thesis, in main part and in the conclusion. Each paragraph of main body should add to the topic development, so it should include facts, scholarly explanations, then your ideas and conclusions and connections that you found. Do not make your paper one whole reflection or an opinion piece. Show that you have researched, prove it and only then introduce your opinions supported by your findings.

Be sure to mention what sources you use, both in text and on the reference page. When you say that some scholar has researched the topic and rely on his or her research it makes your paper look really academic and valid. So do not forget to pepper the txt here and there with title of magazines or author’s names.

But to begin with, you still need a topic.

Selecting a cool topic to work on

So first think about questions that interest you, than hit the web and read news headlines, and then put it all together.

Love Instagram? Following celebs but worry that you spend too much time on it? Explore the topic of how social networks catch us and how you can reduce their impact in your life.

Fashion? Perfect. Consider ethical side, rights of workers, ecological impact or just ponder on how fashion runs in cycles.

Tech? A whole range to write on. How startups are born and why they succeed or fail, what is the future of web advertising, VR and its potential, AI, Amazon vs. retails, and what’s not.

Every topic is worth exploration. The only task is to find enough academic materials to answer your questions and support your assumptions.

So selecting a topic is usually a two-step process:

  • Outline a preliminary topic
  • Research it (at least do brief Googling).

If you find books or scholarly articles at once, your job will be easy. If no – research more or tweak the topic to fit the available sources.

If you have no time to browse or are not sure about what interests you, consult your professor. He or she may not be willing to invent the topic for you but they will push you in proper direction and will point towards potentially good topics. Then you will have to narrow them down or choose one.

Or else: search lists of topics current in 2019 and pick one steaming hot and interesting. Below are just the lists you may need. They cover different areas of science and offer fresh look at seemingly known phenomena. Or just point you to aspects that may have overlooked.

Lists of cool and current topics to write about

So read through and pick the one that appeals to you. Or maybe you will tweak it and devise your own topic on the basis of offered ones. Anyway, we’d be glad if you make use of them.      

History topics

  • Ancient Minoan civilization and culture;
  • Elizabeth I and her reign;
  • Cultural revolution in China;
  • The Great Depression and its historical roots;
  • Reforms of Akhenaten in Egypt;
  • The French Encyclopedia and its role in the French Revolution;
  • The Cold War and its elements in the current international affairs;
  • How Kosovo came to be;
  • History of slavery from 1600s to its end;
  •  Iran back in 1960s and 70s – a secular state with great prospects.

Science topics

  • Genetically modified baby: what’s wrong with this?
  • Have we reached the point of no return in climate change?
  • Essential oils as an alternative to antibiotics in wounds treatment;
  • Should we reconsider our attitude to ‘not to interfere with wild beings’ rule even in emergencies if we have already substantially and carelessly interfered with the planet and their habitats and food supplies?
  • Lab grown meat: ethics, practical application, prospects;
  • New missions of NASA and their purposes;
  • What prevents us from finding cure for the most dangerous diseases?
  • New epidemics and our inability to counter them;
  • The secret life of lichens: three kinds of species instead of two fused together;
  • The greater threat: carbon emissions or overflowing landfills.

Sociology topics

  • Social cues as subconscious guidelines for human behavior;
  • Hidden Poverty of the Middle Class;
  • Social lifts in the USA now and then: what have changed;
  • Facebook data use as an example of sociological profiling;
  • Should volunteering replace governmental functions in certain areas?
  • Social responsibility of business: what was meant, what is actually done and how it can be improved;
  • Organization as a subject of global interactions and competition;
  • Social stereotypes students are exposed to and social stereotypes they perpetuate themselves;
  • Ethical public relations – are they possible?
  • Monitoring of internal formal and informal processes of organizations as a tool to prevent unwanted behavior. 

Topics in Psychology

  • Milgram experiment and its dismantling: implications for science;
  • Kohlberg’s dilemmas and stages of moral development;
  • Dunning and Kruger syndrome;
  • Psychology behind motivation;
  • Popularity of fake facts as psychological phenomenon;
  • When famous experiments do not bear replicating: what does that mean for science?
  • Overcoming traumas: ways of healing;
  • Support groups as a tool of psychological treatment;
  • Does group therapy helps to reduce aggressive/abusive behavior patterns?
  • Is there ever such thing as victim behavior?

Criminology and Justice topics

  • How Criminal justice borrows on psychology and behavioral research;
  • Juvenile delinquency: punishment or prevention?
  • Costs of imprisonment and growing number of private prisons: possible hidden connections;
  • Racial disparity in incarceration rates;
  • Systemic bias at work in courtrooms;
  • The 18th century justice, the Bloody Code of England and surprising lessons it can teach the contemporary America;
  • Crime of libel and hate speech vs. free speech;
  • Political crimes and implicit impunity of high rank politicians;
  • Public defender vs. private defender;
  • Should the criminal’s background and circumstances be taken into account if a crime is committed by an underage person?

Economics topics

  • Business ideas for small/family ventures;
  • Do social platforms and online shops boost or hinder traditional idea of sales?
  • Governmental shutdown: exploring unexpected economic outcomes and troubles;
  • Crisis management: handling of 2008 crisis in the USA and alternative solutions;
  • Following the lead of a client or telling them ‘what they want’ – is any approach inherently better?
  • Advertising in the age of social media and Internet;
  •  Sharing economy – why did it fail in China and can it be done better?
  • Why do most startups fail?
  • Budget balancing as a goal in itself;
  • Stabilization fund and its possible application.

Topics in MBA

  • Disruption, innovation and corporate culture;
  • Investment risks, assessment, mitigation and handling;
  • Shareholders vs. company: whose interests should prevail and why?
  • Public and private partnership as a kind of business deal;
  • Investors, creditors, own funds: what source and when to use;
  • Long-term planning vs. disruption: how they interact in real-life situations;
  • The era of fake companies and startups: how to tell them from real ones;
  • Scalability and change of management structure;
  • Leader vs. follower: what kind of employees is better?
  • Investment projects structuring and management.

Accounting and Finances topics

  • Tax havens as a response to perceived unfairness of laws;
  • Chartered accountants as an institution;
  • Understanding financial statement of a company;
  • Accounting policies in retail;
  • Construction companies and their accounting policies;
  • Security of accounting programs and databases;
  • Inventory and its structure;
  • Listing off-budget funds;
  • Tax return and its analogues across the world;
  • Controlling costs in modular manufacturing vs. controlling costs in integrated production.

Final tip on topic selection

So all in all, finding a topic is about knowing what interest you. But besides that, you should realize your academic capacity and never take topics that are far beyond your skills. Better take a simpler topic and research it thoroughly and carefully that take a fashionable theme and turn in a slapdash piece not even worth reading.

Take a bit that fits your skills and work on it with all efforts. It is a key to being a successful writer, after all. Good luck!

The Final Chord: Creating A Persuasive Conclusion For A Research Paper

A paper will not be considered complete without a conclusion, so like it or not, you have to write it. You may consider it redundant and repetitive, but such are academic demands and we all have to comply with them.

Actually, conclusion is not that useless. It reminds of the main idea of the paper and says that your reasoning was correct. So it may be taken as a one more argument that discreetly pushes forwards your agenda. In this light a conclusion looks more reasonable part of the paper. So let us see how you can make the best use of it.

Is a conclusion that necessary?

It depends on how it is written. If it is a chain of loosely related sentences that do not reflect the paper or its significance, then this conclusion is of no use. But if a conclusion is crafted carefully, then it is an important part of the paper that strengthens it and makes it more efficient in proving your point.

To please your professor you have to provide a conclusion, and a conclusion that is relevant to your paper. Then it will increase your chances to getting A or B grades and to being known as a smart student with good writing skills. Now let see how you can approach the task of writing a good conclusion.

Planning and compiling a conclusion

The basic advice about a conclusion is to remind readers about your thesis in it. You have been proving it all along the way in your paper, so mentioning it once against securely drives your ideas home. But a conclusion is not only about a thesis. It may contain a whole array of information (just remember that a conclusion cannot contain any new information not mentioned in the paper itself):

  • A thesis
  • Main arguments (very briefly)
  • Suggestions of further research
  • Gaps in research
  • Recommendations (reiterations of mentioned in the paper)

Useful tricks

  1. Begin with restating a thesis (in different words, of course).
  2. Think what findings and facts in the paper surprised or impressed you most. They are most likely to impact your readers as well. Include them into your conclusion.
  3. Mention solutions/recommendations proposed – or remind that the issue is not yet solved and awaits to be tackled.
  4. Bring in some interesting ending. It may be some philosophical thought, some nice saying, something that will catch a reader’s attention and linger in his or her mind. It will guarantee that the reader – most probably your professor – will remember your paper as a good one.
  5. Read it through. It should summarize the main idea of your paper (not the whole paper) and reinstate it in readers’ mind. That’s what its purpose, after all. Fix it and add what is missing.
  6. This is the outline of a typical research paper conclusion that is small in scope. Dissertations, bachelor’s theses and other kinds of large academic works will need a different kind of conclusions – longer, detailed, accounting for every section of the paper.

Such conclusion will look more like yet another part of the paper than a summarizing piece. But this is their nature – to present a paper in the gist if others cannot read the whole paper but need to learn about the research results. This is particularly true for scientific studies with plenty of materials and thorough discussions of findings.  Then the conclusion is like a summary of it all, with key facts and figures and hypotheses confirmed or overturned.

But as long as you write a research paper for the next day class – the mentioned brief but comprehensive conclusion will suffice.

A friendly piece of advice

If with all this counseling and tips you still feel powerless or helpless, or time runs out faster that you can gather your thoughts – let the professionals do it for you. We are here to help you with a conclusion as much as with a whole paper. So do not waste time and reach out to us. The faster you do so, the faster you get an A-grade paper for a very moderate price. With an impressive and appropriate conclusion.

List of Research Paper Types to Choose For Your Assignment

Actually, the name already suggests what it is all about. This paper requires research, i.e. finding academic and relevant information on the matter. Done. But what next? Next steps are determined by what you are required to do with information you found. You may be asked to report briefly on the issue, to provide full picture of it, to take a stand and defend a point. Definitely, your defense should be based on scholarly facts, theories and assumptions. But it also goes beyond information gathering and does something with it. In other words, you analyze, synthesize, play with opposing views and so on. Research is not about just writing down everything you found on the matter. It is about your ability to draw the valuable points out and leaving the rest aside. It is a good drill in thinking as such, so do not miss a chance to hone your thinking skills.

Research Paper Tamed and Explained

But how to decide what paper is required if no specific instruction were given? The answer is: look closer on the topic you were given (or selected yourself). It may be very wide, so be sure to select one particular aspect. Each topic can be approached like debatable or informative one.

  • climate change,
  • school education,
  • food choices,
  • medical care,
  • social media,
  • celebrities.

Every topic can be treated as informative (you list main information points) or argumentative (you take a stand in some argument and defend it, like healthy food choices should be taught in class, medical research needs more funding, etc.)

If you want to do it fast, do informative or report paper. If you want to get higher grade and praise of an instructor, do argumentative or analytical paper. It is a bit more complex, but it is definitely more useful for you than simple repetition of the info. Below is the list of research paper types you can choose from. 

Types of Research Paper to Choose from

  1. Argumentative. Argumentative paper begins with what it stands for: with an argument. In other words, you need to take a stand, a position you will defend and try to instill into your audience. When you decide what stand you take, you can select arguments that support your view, provide arguments that oppose it and dismantle them, and then end up with a powerful conclusion that reiterates your arguments and makes readers and listeners remember it and play with it in their minds, if not accept completely. This kind of paper depends on what topic you are assigned and what structure is required. However, always begin with taking a clear position because you cannot have both here.
  2. Analytical or Synthetic. This type of paper is more complex than informative or pros and cons paper, because it takes skills beyond reading and paraphrasing. Analysis means dissecting available information to small bits, finding faults and fallacies in it or seeing what elements constitute some phenomenon or event. This allows finding patterns beyond seemingly random events and pointing to causes of some issues that are not that obvious at a first glance. To do analysis, you need to have a good grasp of theory in your field, because when you have this knowledge you can see it at work in analyzed material. Or to the contrary, you can find out that some basic laws or patterns were skipped or twisted and so troubles arose. Synthesis requires that you put available facts together and have a new picture, like you take high level of air pollution in your city, lots of cars, few trees, and predict that rate of respiratory diseases in your city will be quite high in comparison to a city with cleaner air. Again, you need to know theory and basic laws working in the area you write about, and then you will piece the puzzle together properly. 
  3. Descriptive or informative. Unlike an argumentative paper, this kind of research allows ‘having it all’ and listing positions and views without taking a definite stand. The purpose of this paper is to inform readers objectively about some issues or topic, so your main task is to explore the topic sufficiently and decide what key facts and ideas are a must for presentation and what can be left out for good. Usually the key point limiting the information stream is the assigned number of pages, so take them as a guide while outlining and drafting. Just facts, data and scientific objectivity, no personal opinion, bias or experience is expected or required here.
  4. Pros and cons paper. As its name suggests, you take some issues or topic that is debatable. i.e. it has alternatives and its strong and weak sides, and then you list these pros and cons.The most debatable and controversial topics(and the most beaten ones) are gun control (more or less of it), abortions (to make them more accessible or prohibit), euthanasia (to permit or not). But you may want to play it safe and take topics that are not so controversial among the public, like making colleges free, providing paid maternal leave, allowing kids to use social media, going vegan, and what’s not. Research the topic and list arguments for it and against it. Provide your personal opinion if it is required in instructions.
  5. Cause and Effect. This kind of paper is close to analytical since it gets deeper than the superfluous listing of facts. You are to take a topic, research it and decide what causes what. Actually, the scholarly literature you will use will prompt you this connection,so you just need to convey it in writing properly. For example, you may write on the topic of making cannabis smoking legal and see if the area with this permit has a surge in heavy drugs use afterwards (it is often assumed that people begin with marijuana and then move on to heavier drugs). Research the literature and see if this causative connection exists and if it is strong enough.
  6. Compare/Contrast. To write this paper you need to find a topic that offers elements with similarities and differences. Otherwise it is no use to compare car driving rates in New York and average rainfalls in some African desert.But if you take precipitation across Africa for your geography class, and compare rainfall rates for African countries that belong to the same climatic zone or have similar or different landscapes, then your comparison makes sense. You can arrive at valuable conclusions that contribute to understanding of the precipitation problem and maybe even solving the problem (even if theoretically).
  7. Interpretation. Most often interpretation is required in fields that permit and suppose it. Like, you cannot interpret a math problem because it has a definite solution, but you can interpret a poem or a book, and see it through the lens of your own experience. Interpretation here means deciphering,so you explain what you see and what it means or stands for. Interpreting poems or books is a classic example, but you can also interpret sociological data or business cases. To do it, you need to master an apparatus of field you write in, because otherwise it will be not an interpretation but primitive evaluation of the kind ‘like or do not like, right or wrong’.
  8. Report-like paper.    It is like a descriptive paper but formally structured and divided into predictable sections. Whether you repost about a case study or some medical issues like obesity and its causes, you begin with general summary of a situation, then move to specific issues causing it and to its outcomes, and end up with recommendations on how to fix a situation or what to do next if a situation is still in development.

Each paper type is not that scary in making as it seems. Choose one, see how it should be organized, create an outline and write. Or else, come to us and let our expert writers do the trick of choosing and writing for you.  They have ample experience of creating research paper of all levels, so you will definitely get a classy assignment worth of the highest grade. And you will be able to use it in future as a template for your own writing. Real combo!

Me, Myself and I: Self-Presentation Speech Made in Easy Steps

This kind of task seems intimidating because usually people feel they have little to say about themselves and feel that this info is not too significant to interest the audience. However, getting to know you is crucial for people who influence your future life, so do your best to approach this task with care. We will help you to do so without additional stress.

Purposes of Creating Speech about Myself

Why you may need to do self-presentation? The reasons are diverse:

  • To apply for a position
  • To apply for a grant
  • To get selected for some prestigious program or competition
  • To persuade people to join in or follow you
  • And what’s not.

Thus by telling people important things about yourself and showing that you do have worth (and we all have it, remember) you can ensure yourself a good job, an invitation to cool research program, internship or at least getting attention of people who can help you in some way.

7 Steps To Creating A Good Self-Presentation Speech

While writing about self may seem easier that doing some research, actually this is the trap you can easily fall into. Researching some objective information helps you categorize it, assess it and see what fits into your topic and what does not. But while doing self-presentation you may deem everything important and so end up with a bloated piece of writing that is hard to follow and comprehend. To avoid this trouble and to write a good and concise speech about yourself follow our guide and be safe and sound in any circumstances.

  • Know your audience. To write persuasively, you have to ‘see’ people and place you are writing for. Research place, its size, microphone or screen presence, length of event, number of participants, time allocated for every speech, and number and composition of your audience. Knowing all this you will already have a resemblance of your speech plan in your mind since you know how long it should be and what information is required and what can be left out.
  • Plan your speech. Planning and outlining are key steps in creating any good written piece so never skip this step while writing.It keeps you focused, organized and makes your speech easy to follow and comprehend for your listeners.Now the most important part: template of a plan of ‘speak about yourself’ piece:
    1. Introduction – your background. Name, surname, exact position and place of work or faculty, university and major. You may mention your personal background like country you came from or other significant points if they are exceptional and present you in positive light (persevering, following your dream, wanting to make world a better place, etc.). Look up some ideas of self-presentation intro but remember that it is about you, so write what is relevant to your story.
    2. Main information – current education status or employment. What, where, how long, maybe why point. What you usually do in this position/status (key points that are relevant to your audience). Additional activities and events you take part in in relation to your status. Internships, or previous working experience. Public events or social activities that may be related to your status.
    3. Volunteering, running socially significant projects. Leadership.
    4. Sports, key hobbies that truly influence your life. Family status only if it really contributes to understanding of your education/career path and goals.
    5. Additional information – languages, computer skills (if they are not your major or career), soft skills, other significant points you want to mention.
    6. Continuing education – this is a trendy point so be sure to show that you are keeping up with the market demand and trends. Mention what additional courses you took, are taking or want to take.
    7. Closing ‘thank you’ and invitation to ask questions (if they are allowed and foreseen in event timing).
  • Read through and change if necessary. Definitely, you may think that by following your plan you have done a great job but do not be in a hurry.Let it sit for an hour at least and then read again. You will be surprised to see that it is incoherent or dry, more resembling a list than a speech. Fix flaws that you notice, make it run more naturally, like you are talking to a person you know. Ask a friend or a relative to listen to you and consider the feedback. Other people may see differently things that you cherish or take for granted, so write for people, not for yourself.
  • Non-verbal bits of work to do. It relates to your actual presentation in front of a panel or a crowd. Think ahead what you will wear, your clothing should be formal enough to fit the situation but comfortable not to distract you from speaking. Neat and smart casual is a to-go solution today. Your look impresses to the same degree, or even more, that your words.
  • Before speaking, make a small pause. Look at your audience, smile, adjust a mike, put your papers in front of you – these small moves attract attention and let the people ready themselves for listening. Thus your first words will be heard well, not lost on the audience.
  • Don’t be still, move a bit. Striking a formal pose seems natural in this situation, but remember how great presenters carry themselves on the stage. They move, make hand gestures, interact with audience, make dramatic pauses, ask questions – they are alive. You may not have such opportunity but use your hands a bit. Your hands should move gently towards your audience, like opening, inviting, underscoring your words, etc. Do not put them into pockets or cross on your chest – these are hostile and closed gestures and people usually react negatively to the words of such speaker even if they themselves do not realize the reason. So let your hands and head live and move, but gently and not too much.
  • Practice makes the master. Every presenter or speaker is nervous. Some shed their nervousness when they put their foot on the stage, some push it back until the presentation ends. But to be able to do so, they rehearse and practice. Aloud, in front of a mirror, in front of family or friends.Read aloud and look at yourself – what gesture would be appropriate? Make it and look how it fits. If it is OK, use it in your presentation. Yes, gestures can be planned and rehearsed too. Surprised?
  • Speak, don’t read. You may take a peek now and then in your papers, but reading all the way is not that good. So do your best and try to memorize your piece. Then ask you friend or a relative be your audience and speak. First time your voice will be creaky and hands will shake, but the fourth or fifth time speech rehearsal will make you assured and relaxed presenter that interacts with audience instead of grasping for words. Good luck.

Still too anxious if you can do it? Reach out for self-presentation speech help

If you doubt that you can tell things about yourself properly and interesting but still need to do it, reach out for help. We know how important it is to say just enough to be seen in good light, and so our writing team includes people who are experts in this kind of speeches. Provide us with your full CV, any additional info that you may want to include and technical info about length, way of presentation (speech, PPT) and get an excellent piece that will highlight your strongest points. Just read, rehearse, memorize and hit the stage!

Why Students Want to Work During Vacation

In summer, when the exams are behind, modern active students prefer working then doing nothing. For them this is a chance to gain work experience and earn some money, find new friends and make useful contacts, try different professions, increase self-confidence. And the list of benefits is not finished here.

Main requirements of employees in this case are sociability, activity, responsibility. All the rest depends on the type of activity. The good thing is that in most cases working experience is not required.

Benefits of summer work for students

Additional money is not the only thing you get as a student doing summer job. Working for one or two-months during summer holidays has a lot of benefits:

  • You will have a chance to find out something new about yourself and the world around you;
  • You obtain working experience that most employees will expect from you when you will be looking for permanent job;
  • You will increase your self-confidence;
  • You will learn how to be responsible;
  • You will have a chance to learn new professional skills;
  • You will be more experienced in interaction between people;
  • You will become more independent;
  • You will learn how to care about money since you will know what it takes to earn it;
  • You will stay away from dangerous companies and activities you might have been doing instead of work.

It is not always you will be able to find well-paid job for summer, but the most important is that you become more experienced in many aspects. This will definitely help you after graduation when looking for job.

If you think of finding job for the summer and don’t know what you could be doing, check out our list of most popular jobs for students.

Top 7 summer jobs for students

On-campus IT specialist

This job is perfect for IT students, and also for those with good knowledge of computers. You also need to be rather communicative since you will need to interact with a lot of people. This type of job will help you quickly establish communication with both teachers and classmates. Working on campus you will be involved in the university community.

To look for a vacancy you can check the advertisement board or ask one of your teachers. Teacher always know about such thing, plus they can give you a good piece of advice and help with application.

Freelance writer

This job will be good for those students who are able to deal with different types of essays and papers easily, and has good knowledge in one or several subjects. Moreover, it is not only students’ written assignments you can be dealing with. You can write articles for newspapers, blogs, social media, etc.

If academic writing is what you want to try, you simply look for vacancies online. One of the benefits of this job is that you are not attached to one place. You may be in one part of your country and work for the service located in another part.

Type essay writing service in your search bar and check the results. A reliable service would have a good website filled with a lot of information, including for writers. You can find requirements and application form on their website. If you think you fit for the job and you like their conditions, go ahead!


This is a good way to begin your career. To look for an internship you can turn to your teachers for help, check websites that gather information about available internships, or examine the websites of the companies you would like to work at – they might be having vacancies too.

If you manage to undertake an internship in a big company, it will not only let you earn some good money but also give you a huge advantage in the future.

However, this is not an easy task to be an internship. Companies usually have a lot of requirements for the candidates. You are treated as a grown-up full-time employee so you will need to treat this job very responsibly.

Golf caddy

The major requirement for a candidate for a golf caddy position is good physical condition. The job supposes you to be a lot outside and carry the heavy gold bag everywhere the players go. If this is something you want to try check the availability of the position at the nearest gold club, or use online search.

Fitness Instructor

If you are considering position of a fitness instructor as a summer job you need to possess certain knowledge in the domain. Fitness instructors are, first of all, in good physical form, know the rules of healthy sports and diet, and have first aid certificate. An instructor knows how to use sports equipment and always sticks to security measures during the activity.

To look for this kind of job you can go to local sport clubs, search for vacancies online or ask your friends or acquaintances for information.


Tutoring can become a good option for student with high academic achievements. District advantages of this job are – ability to make your own schedule or even work freelance, enrich your mind with more knowledge because those who teach never stop learning themselves, and, of course, earn some good money.

As a tutor you can work independently and find your customers, or you can join special platforms for tutors online.

Laboratory assistant

This position is rather popular among students willing to work doing summer vacation. Basic requirements for candidates are to have in-depth knowledge in the domain, high academic performance, responsibility and sociability. The requirements may vary depending on the laboratory.

When considering this position, you have to be ready this is not the easiest job, you have to really work. On the other hand, this is an excellent chance to have experience.


This is probably one of the jobs that come to your mind when you think of summer work. In summer a lot of cafes and restaurants need more hands so they accept new workers with pleasure. Before you accept the offer find out the details like work schedule, working conditions, duties and salary.


This is another popular summer job for students. It does not require any special knowledge or skills. The working schedule is usually rather flexible and the work itself is unstressed.

5 useful tips to find summer job

  1. Find out if you will need to handle any work documents, if so, make sure to prepare them in advance;
  2. You need to have several reference letters from your previous employers, if not, from teachers;
  3. Begin with searching for vacancies for students and identify which of them interest you;
  4. Networking may help you in your search for job;
  5. Do not ask anyone to apply for you, always do it yourself.

These are the basic steps any college student in search for work should begin with. Make sure you begin your preparations and search in advance. It will probably take some time before you find the desired job.

And, do not forget, the one who searches always finds. If you manage to find job connected to your professions – it is great, if not – it does not matter, you never know what experience will be useful in the future. We sincerely hope that this article will help expand your circle of opportunities in the employment process.

How Important Is the Research Paper Name

When writing a research paper, some students pay little attention to its title. They simply take a title of their research or the first phrase they have come up without bothering to think about it even a bit. But if you want your reader to take your paper seriously, we advise you to pay enough attention to the process of designing the title.

Everyone who will read your research paper will begin with reading the title. And, it means that you have all the chances to attract your reader’s attention from the first look. But if the title of your paper is boring or too complicated, the results of your research paper may not interest anyone. That is why you should give your title proper time, paying attention to the principles described below. A winning title to your paper is the key to success.

Examples of title Gives an idea about contents? Capturing attention? Reflects the tone of the paper? Availability of keywords?
Why is Meditation Good for Teachers? Yes No No Yes
Why Attentive Teachers Manage to Show Best Results? No Yes Yes No
Why Should Teachers Study Meditation? No Yes No No
Active Teachers: How to Improve Performance of Teachers via Meditation? Yes Yes Yes Yes

As you can see, the last title in the table meets all the requirements for a winning title for research paper.

Remember, that all the significant words should be capitalized. Other parts of speech – articles, prepositions, conjunctions – should not be capitalized.

7 useful tips to design an ace title

To help you get a clearer idea of what the tittle to research paper should be, we have made the list of useful tips. Follow these tips to compose a winning title for your research paper that will catch the attention of your audience. Read them carefully and apply in practice and you will get a guaranteed result!

  1. You should try designing brief yet informative title that, just with several words, help your audience have a clear idea of what your research will be about. Keep it logical.
  2. Choose one of three types of names: Brief – this is a more generalized type of title; Detailed – if you want to make your title narrower and specify your audience; Question – this type title not only reveals the idea of the paper but also indicated what question the author was trying to answer.
  3. The title of the paper is a combination of the smallest number of words that adequately describes its content. The title is the only part of the research paper that will be definitely read by your reader. The function of the title is to attract as many interested readers as possible to read your paper. In order to attract the attention of those to whom the paper may be interesting, the title has to correspond to the content of your paper as accurately and fully as possible. Thus, you should select the words for the title with the greatest care, pay attention to their informational fullness, significance and compatibility. If the title does not convey the content of the paper, it will not cause interest in many people.
  4. It should not be too long or too short, and should contain at least 3 and no more than 15 words (not counting prepositions) words. Sometimes the titles are too long because they contain junk words, i.e. words that carry almost no information load. Very often, these words are put at the beginning of the title.
  5. Usually the title is a label, not a complete sentence consisting of the subject, the predicate, etc. It is better to use active verbs instead of lots of nouns. Do not use complex sentences, phrasal verbs, aphorisms, etc.
  6. You should include key words in your title. For this, you should identify the most searched words in your topic and include some of them in your research title.
  7. Think about your research title after you finish writing the content. This approach will help you come up with the best title.

Samples of winning research titles

If you have fundamental knowledge in your topic but you are still at lost how to design a good name for your research paper, check out these samples:

Psychological paper titles

  • 5 Effective Natural Ways to Fight Stress
  • Instruction on How to Make People Do What You Want
  • Tips on How to Avoid Influence of Society
  • Unhappy Childhood Leads to Aggressive Adulthood
  • Valid Methods to Change Your Life

Education paper titles

  • How to Combine Study and Work
  • Effective Tips to Design an Ace Essay for One Hour
  • Importance of Education for Your Career
  • How Should the Education System Be Changed
  • How to Motivate Your Students

Business paper titles

  • How to develop Business without Investments
  • 5 Surprising Benefits of being a Businessman
  • 5 Great Ideas for a Start-Up without Funds
  • Fatal Mistakes Inexperienced Businessmen Do
  • Top 3 Secrets of Successful Business

Technology paper titles

  • 5 Most Unbelievable Innovations for Last 5 Years
  • Biggest Progress in Medical Technologies for the Last Decade
  • Unusual Ideas That are Likely to Change the Nearest Future
  • What Role Does Information Technologies Play in Our Daily Routine
  • How Good Is It Living in Technologically Developed World

When you are engaged in writing a research paper or an academic article for a scientific journal, you should compose your title after you finish the entire paper. Do not forget to reread your work, see if everything is logical and check mistakes.

There are situations when tips and samples do not help. A student does not have time for writing an ace research paper and title thereto, it is a good option to use help of professional writers.

Format of title page for research paper

Once you have come up with the cool title for your research work, it is time to get it formatted correctly. APA, MLA, and Chicago are the most popular styles used for this purpose. Your teacher will probably be giving you instructions as to the choice of format.  However, you should know the differences between APA and MLA pages:

  • If you chose APA style, your title should not be longer than 12 words. Your title should be brief yet informative, give a clear idea of further information. The name should be located halfway down the page, in its middle. And student’s personal information is indicated at the bottom.
  • If you chose MLA style, the tittle should be even shorter than 12 words, and take 1/3 of the way down the page. All the significant words should be capitalized.

The title on the main page should not be written in italics. In general, follow the guidelines given by your supervisor. If such guidelines were not given, you can ask yourself or search for some on internet.

Master The Art of Critical Essay Writing with Our Guide

Whether you have the task to write a critical analysis essay for the first time or you already have some experience with this type of written assignment, the job of crafting a critical analysis paper is a tough one. If you have a critical analysis essay assignment waiting to be completed soon, use this guide to do the best possible job.

What Is a Critical Analysis Essay?

A critical essay is a very common type of assignment in modern schools and colleges. It is often confused with a report, since the focus of a critical analysis paper is also a piece of art, whether it’s a book, a painting, or a movie. In your critical analysis of the piece, you need to fairly evaluate the work of another author, complete with its pros and cons.

Evaluating another person’s work can be tough when you are not an artist, writer, or filmmaker, and that is exactly why instructors love assigning critical analysis papers to their students. Luckily, with our tips, your work on a critical analysis essay will be smooth and stress-free.

Starting the Work on a Critical Analysis Essay

Perhaps, the most important step in writing a critical analysis paper is studying the work that your essay will be based on. Whether it’s a painting, a movie, or a book, you need to look at it several times before you can have an informed opinion. Making notes and bookmarks as you investigate the piece can be very helpful — even if you forget any crucial point, you can always go back and see it once again.

As soon as you have a complete understanding of the subject of your critical analysis essay, you can move on to the next step, which is creating the title for the paper. In the case of a critical analysis essay, the title shouldn`t be long or elaborate. It simply has to specify the work and the author for the easy understanding of your readers.

3 Steps to a Great Critical Analysis Essay

The work on a critical analysis paper can be divided into three steps, which will help you plan your efforts more efficiently. There is a common misconception that a critical analysis piece is always criticizing the original work. However, that is far from being true. Your job as a critical analysis essay writer is to decide whether you agree with the points made by the author and offer evidence to support your opinion.

Step 1: Study the Sources

By now, you have probably investigated the subject matter of your critical analysis essay back and forth, but that is not enough. You also need to find as many critical reading sources regarding the piece as possible. Only then you can have an informed opinion. Writing critical reading about the subject piece will also help you determine the key ideas of the work and how successful the author was in conveying them to the audience.

Step 2: Make an Outline

When writing a critical analysis essay, you should keep to the traditional essay structure that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Creating an outline before writing the essay will help you structure your thoughts in a more organized manner and maintain the logical flow of the paper.

Step 3: Write the Paper

It’s best to write a critical analysis paper in the traditional order, starting with the introduction through body paragraphs all the way to the conclusion. Here is how to write each part of your paper:

●    The introduction should start with a hook — an interesting sentence, quote, or piece of statistics that will stimulate the reader to give your paper a more detailed look. The introduction should also contain an explanation of the author’s thesis and main ideas of the work. Finish the introduction with your own thesis — a statement that you will later support with evidence in the body paragraphs.

●    The number of body paragraphs ranges from two to five, although three is considered to be the ideal number. Each body paragraph should explore a separate idea. It’s very important to back up each argument with sufficient evidence since your own thoughts are not considered to be proof of anything in the academic setting.

●    The conclusion to your critical analysis paper should mimic the tone of the introduction without copying it word for word. State your thesis once again and then write a couple of sentences about why you believe your evidence fully proved the ideas from the introduction. Finish the conclusion with a strong sentence if you want your readers to keep thinking about your work.

Proofreading Your Essay

Students are usually given the critical analysis assignment with at least a couple of weeks to complete the task, and it’s essential to use this time wisely. Leaving the essay to be written at the last minute results in an unconvincing essay riddled with mistakes and inconsistencies.

If there is enough time left until the deadline, let yourself rest from the critical analysis essay and return to it in a few days. Carefully read the essay to make sure it doesn’t contain any grammar or spelling mistakes. Ensure a logical flow of the narrative and the absence of any factual mistakes. You can also ask someone to proofread your paper for you.

Formatting a Critical Analysis Essay

In order to give your readers a clear understanding of the author’s work and your own views on it, your paper should be clearly structured. The best way to flawlessly structure your critical analysis paper is to use this formatting guide:

●    Background information should contain the details of the author’s work, including the name of the author and the work, the publication details, as well as the key topics and ideas of the work. Here you need also to include your thesis about the work.

●    A summary of the work is very important, especially if your audience is experiencing the author’s work for the first time. If you are writing a critical analysis paper about a book or a movie, offer your readers a brief summary of the plot, and if it’s another work of art, do a detailed description of the piece.

●    Evaluating the work is an essential part of a critical analysis essay. Here you need to analyze how successful the author was in conveying their message to the audience and which methods they used to achieve their goals. You can also talk about the author’s style and how it is reflected in this particular piece.

If you are a student, there is a big chance you will need to deal with writing a critical analysis essay more than once in your academic life. That is why it’s crucial to get a deep understanding of how to write this type of assignment before beginning your work. You can also use these newly acquired skills in other academic assignments.

Writing a Narrative Essay: Guidelines and Tips

When you are first tasked with writing a narrative essay, you can’t help but feel excited. After all, a narrative essay is considered to be one of the easiest and most fulfilling types of written assignments in modern schools. The reason why many students love writing narrative essays is that they turn you into a real storyteller.

The way you tell the story in your essay determines the effect it will have on the reader. And while this task can be very entertaining, it is also often challenging. There are many components required for the success of your narrative essay, including the topic, your writing skills, and your storytelling abilities. Eliminate stress and anxiety from the writing process completely with our helpful tips on crafting a narrative essay.

What Is a Narrative Essay?

While the definition of a narrative essay may differ from school to school, the general purpose of this type of written assignment is to tell a story. Narrative essays are the most personal thing you’ll have to write in your student life because in most cases, they are based on the events and experiences from your own life.

A narrative essay is guaranteed to attract the attention of the readers, where it’s your instructor, classmates, or parents. That is why you need to pay special attention to every aspect of the writing. Here are some helpful guidelines on how to write the most successful narrative essay of your academic career.

Writing a Narrative Essay: Guidelines and Tips

These 12 tips will help you do the best job with your narrative essay:

1.    Choose the right topic. No matter which topic you ultimately go for, it has to be closely connected to your personal views and experiences. Moreover, it has to be something you are willing and ready to share with the audience.

2.    Create a draft. Even the most famous writers rarely release works they wrote on the first try. In order to deliver the most convincing piece of writing, you first need to write a draft. Creating an outline for your essay can also be very effective for properly structuring your thoughts.

3.    Use storyline elements. A narrative essay is a literary work, which means you need to use the same techniques and elements as professional writers. Research setting, plot, character, and other elements that make a great written work.

4.    Choose your point of view. In order to better understand the events in the essay, as well as your own behavior, the readers need to know your point of view in the story. Explain your position early on to avoid any misunderstanding.

5.    Support your arguments. As any academic paper, a narrative essay is useless if your arguments are not backed up by any facts or evidence. Even when you are offering your own thoughts, you still need to support them with undeniable facts.

6.    Make every word count. Even though readers will look forward to reading your essay, they may still be frustrated to find out that it’s too long and wordy. Make sure you include only the most relevant events and points that have plot significance into your narrative essay.

7.    Use clear wording. Using complicated words and phrases in your narrative essays may seem impressive to you, but you need to understand that it can harm the readability of your text. If you want your readers to be on the same page as you, make sure to use words that are clearly understandable.

8.    Use a chronological order. While there are many approaches to the timeline in literature, the best way to organize the events in your narrative essay is through chronological order. That way, you will help the reader look at the story through your point of view.

9.    Read as many examples as possible. Writing a narrative essay seems like a very straightforward task at first, but it requires a deep knowledge of writing technique and finesse. Read some examples of narrative essays to see how to write this type of assignment properly.

10.    Follow the instructions. When you are tasked with writing a narrative essay, you will also be given a list of requirements and standards to follow in your writing process. If you want to get the best grade for your work, follow these instructions down to a core.

11.    Highlight key moments. No one likes reading a monotonous work even when it’s beautifully written and has an interesting plot. Highlighting the most crucial moments in the essay allows you to point the attention of the readers the right way.

12.    Do a revision. When editing your finished narrative essay, pay attention not only to spelling and grammar mistakes, but also any plot inconsistencies, too long sentences, and logical mistakes. You can also check your paper for plagiarism to ensure it is 100% original.

When writing a narrative essay, you can imagine yourself being a renowned novel writer who is ready to impress the readers with another brilliantly written piece. However, in order for your paper to hit the right marks, it needs to be written according to the universally accepted writing standards. Be truthful, be consistent, be passionate, and your narrative essay is bound to be a success.

Writing an Autobiography Essay: Step by Step Guide

Students are no strangers to the various types of written assignments, including essays. They write dozens of essays every month, but certain types of essays can still confuse them and make life harder for at least a few weeks. We are talking about an autobiography essay, which is often written as part of the application process.

If you are about the enter the application process, you don’t need us to remind you how important this little piece of writing can be. However, even if you are still far away from the application, you may still benefit from knowing how to write an autobiography essay that will impress everyone around you.

What Is an Autobiography Essay?

The purpose of an autobiography is to let the readers know more about you, your personality, your achievements, and your aspirations. The most common time when you need to write an autobiography essay is when you are applying to college or other studies, but you can also be asked to attach an autobiography essay to your job application.

Normally, an autobiography paper is much more personal than a regular application. Here you can talk about things from your childhood, your past experiences, your dreams and goals, and everything you wouldn’t mention in a CV or application form.

On the one hand, writing a personalized autobiography essay seems to be easier than other forms of academic writing. On the other hand, it can be very challenging to fit the events of your life into a very straightforward writing format. The reason for that is we are not used to talking about ourselves in such great detail, especially in a more formal setting.

In many cases, you will be given a prompt for your autobiography essay — for example, to talk about some event from your childhood that helped shape you as a person. And while a prompt may make things easier when it comes to writing, we believe everyone can benefit from our step-by-step guide on writing an autobiography essay.

3 Steps to Your Perfect Autobiography Essay

We designed this three-step guide for writing an autobiography essay, but the truth is that you can use it for any other type of writing assignment you are dealing with. So, here are the three steps to your flawless paper.

Step 1: Planning

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with an autobiography essay assignment is sitting down to write the paper without any preparation. Before you begin the writing process, you need to plan your actions thoroughly.

The first step is to define the purpose of your writing. Imagining why you are doing this at all helps you put things into perspective and only work with the most important points. The next step is choosing the event to write about. If you have not been given any prompt, you can choose any event or experience from your life that affected you as a person and helped you become who you are today.

A very important thing to always keep in mind at every step of the writing process is to imagine your audience. Who are the people that will read your essay, and what do they want to find out about you through your writing?

The final step in the preparation to write an autobiography essay is creating an essay outline. It will help you map out your future paper and always stay on point at every moment of your writing process.

Step 2: Writing

By now, you already have an outline for your autobiography essay. Now your job is to use that outline to craft your paper. As always, the essay starts with an introduction. Your introduction needs to begin with an attention-grabbing sentence, or a hook, that will captivate the readers and make them read the whole thing at once. Here are a few more tips on how to write a strong autobiography essay:

1.    Use vivid details and your description skills to paint the background for the main events of the essay.

2.    Autobiography essays are always written in the first person.

3.    A quote is not a good way to start your essay unless it is directly connected to the events in the rest of the paper.

4.    Always try to keep your autobiography essay as brief but informative as possible.

5.    Don’t wait for too long before revealing the most important part of the essay — once you have set the background, you can move on to the main aspects of the paper.

6.    The conclusion to your paper is as important as the other paragraphs. In your conclusion, you need to offer your views on how the events depicted in the essay helped shape your personality and character.

Step 3: Editing

Even the most brilliant paper needs to be polished before submission. You want to make sure you did your best without having some grammar mistakes or inconsistencies damage the effect of otherwise great work. Here are the five steps to making sure your autobiography essay is absolutely spotless:

1.    Always be true to yourself when writing, even when there are some uncomfortable moments, the readers should see the real you throughout the story.

2.    Read the paper several times and remove any grammar and punctuation mistakes. Have someone review your paper if you are not sure you can spot every mistake.

3.    Once again check your outline and see if you stayed on the topic through every part of the paper.

4.    Your autobiography essay text needs to be filled with interesting details, so if you are reading your paper, and it feels too dry, add some catchy moments to make it more memorable.

5.    To improve the readability and memorability of your autobiography essay, you can use some unusual techniques like non-chronological order of the events.